WildStar Addon Spotlight: Cards

WildStar Addon Spotlight


Welcome to our weekly WildStar Addon Spotlight! This week we've got the spotlight on Cards, an addon created by Saikou that is a great way to pass the time in WildStar, but you might find yourself addicted to the familiar if not just outright fun card game.

Saikou isn't hiding the fact that his inspiration for this card game is Final Fantasy VII's Triple Triad. It's a faithful recreation and if you are familiar with the original you'll feel right at home playing Cards. For the unfamiliar, Saikou explains the objective of Cards pretty nicely, "Play against your opponent taking turns to place cards on a 3x3 board, as you attempt to capture their cards while preventing them from capturing yours."

Each card has 4 numbers assigned to the cardinal directions of that card, it's as easy as your number being higher than the opponents number that share the same edge in the 3x3 grid. It's dead simple and if I can offer you one piece of advice, always look at your opponents cards before you play each turn. You might notice they are weaker in one direction and you can really capitalize on that.

Like most addons, you can find the main menu from the 'Interfaces' menu in the bottom left corner. I'd recommend pinning this to your quick launch bar for quick access to games. You can also type /cards to bring up the menu. You'll see four options, although player vs player hasn't been implemented yet, but you can challenge random NPCs ranging three difficulties. 

As you play Cards and win, you'll get to take one card of your opponents, and with over 160 cards to collect, it's not something you'll finish collecting for some time. But just like the game it was inspired by, if you happen to lose a match, the opponent will take one of your cards. If you look at the victory image above, after you win a match you get to select one of their five cards to keep. The titles of these cards are color coded and hovering your mouse over them will let you know if you need to collect it or not. You might not see orange ones too often, but when they do come up you'll be jumping for joy. Those are the cards that you lost while playing and most likely, really want back for your hand. Blue titles means that you already have at least one of that card and white titled cards are cards you don't have yet. 

Finally, you can also collect cards by just doing what you normally do, dropping from mobs and you can even find them harvesting. It's all random and the chance of getting a rare is obviously skewed to not happen too often, but finding cards in general is a nice little bonus when you're not even playing Cards. Oh, and did I mention there's an entire window full of stats you can view? Wins/losses, double/triple/quadruple turns, and so much more can all be accessed from the Statistics button at the main menu.


  • Install using the free Curse Client, which you can download here, or follow the manual instructions below:
  1. Download the Addon from here.
  2. Locate your Addons folder. (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\NCSOFT\WildStar\Addons)
  3. Place the Cards folder found in the .zip file into your Addons folder.

Final Words

Cards is quite the faithful recreation of Triple Triad from Final Fantasy VIII. That being said, the overall polish to it's UI, the ease at getting into a match with an NPC AI, and the collectability of card games in general combine to make this an easy addon to recommend. I'm having a blast playing it and hopefully Saikou gets multiplayer up and running soon but until then, you should practice up because this addon has potential to fill up all your down time in WildStar!

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