PTR Patch Notes: Drop 3 UI, Addon & Apollo API Changes

Carbine updated the PTR last night and it came with a ton of User Interface, Addon and Apollo API changes. Check out the notes below and read the entire set of PTR patch notes here!

Apollo API
  • New LUA event when a free for all item is looted which is bind on pickup. LootBindcheck( tLootDetail = { nLootId = #, itemDrop = item } ).
  • New Confirm Button Type "LootItem" which will fire the event LootItemRequested( nLootId = #) when clicked.
  • New LUA event when an item is looted which the player had knowledge of (useful in concert with LootBindcheck LUA event): LootTakenBy( tDetail = { nLootId = #, itemLoot = item, unitLooter = unit } ).
  • Fixed issue where check box boxes are centered but the flyby and click hit rect were not centered.
  • Unit:GetRewardInfo for challenges now returns a bool if the challenge is currently activated or not.
  • Apollo.GetAddon, Apollo.GetAddonInfo, Apollo.DisableAddon, Apollo.SuspendAddon, and Apollo.RegisterPackage now find addons by the addon's name instead of the addon's folder.
  • Added a new enum to the Unit library "CodeEnumArchetype" which can be used in conjunction with unit:GetArchetype() to identify units with the Iconic, Townie, EliteShields, or EliteNoShields archetypes.
  • Added GetSizingMaximum & GetSizingMinimum to the Window lua API.
  • Generic map node choosing is now done via an ActionConfirmButton.
  • ActionBarShortcut can now disable drawing of the hotkey associated with the button.
  • A new function appears! GetUnicodeStringLength() was added to the Utility addon. This function will return the correct string length for strings that contain characters that are more than one byte in size.
  • Windows when first loaded will no longer instantly fade out if they should start not visible.
  • The tracking of multiple hazard types have been moved from the Hazards addon to the Sprint Meter addon.
  • Added a new parameter to CraftingLib.GetPropertyChipType( nSchematicId, nPropertyId, nPowerCoreId ), CraftingLib.GetAvailableProperties( nSchematicId, nPowerCoreId ), and CraftingLib.GetAvailableMicrochips( nSchematicId, nOffset, nCount, nPowerCoreId ). The nPowerCoreId is required to properly calculate the min and max stats allowed in the associated schematic.
  • Due to the large update to the Rune Slot system, there has been several changes to the CraftingLib, Item, and MarketplaceLib APIs:
    • Renamed: CraftingLib.GetValidGlyphableItems() was renamed to CraftingLib.GetItemsWithRuneSlots() - CraftingLib.GetValidGlyphItems() was renamed to CraftingLib.GetValidRuneItems() - CraftingLib.UnlockSigil() was renamed to CraftingLib.UnlockRuneSlot() - CraftingLib.ClearSigil() was renamed to CraftingLib.ClearRuneSlot() - CraftingLib.InstallGlyphs() was renamed to CraftingLib.InstallRuneIntoSlot() - CraftingLib.CodeEnumTradeskillResult.GlyphExists was renamed to CraftingLib.CodeEnumTradeskillResult.RuneExists - CraftingLib.CodeEnumTradeskillResult.MissingGlyph was renamed to CraftingLib.CodeEnumTradeskillResult.MissingRune - CraftingLib.CodeEnumTradeskillResult.DuplicateGlyph was renamed to CraftingLib.CodeEnumTradeskillResult.DuplicateRune - CraftingLib.CodeEnumTradeskillResult.GlyphSlotLimit was renamed to CraftingLib.CodeEnumTradeskillResult.RuneSlotLimit - Item:IsGlyphData() was renamed to Item:IsRuneData() - Item:GetSigils() was renamed to Item:GetRuneSlots() - Item:GetRuneSlots(): variable names that used to reference "Sigils" have been changed to "RuneSlots" and "Glyphs" have been changed to "Runes" - Item:GetGlyphInfo() was renamed to Item:GetRuneInfo() - Item:GetDetailedInfo() changed the tSigils variable to tRunes and arSigils to arRuneSlots - Item.CodeEnumSigilType enum was renamed to Item.CodeEnumRuneType -MarketplaceLib.ItemAuctionFilterData.ItemAuctionFilterGlyphSlot enum was renamed to MarketplaceLib.ItemAuctionFilterData.ItemAuctionFilterRuneSlot. - Drag and Drop "type" "DDGlyphItem" changed to "DDRuneItem".
    • Updated Functionality: CraftingLib.GetCurrentCraft(): Now returns information on unfinished rune slot rerolls. This information includes the item being modified, the rune slot's index, and the rune slot types that the player can choose to change it to. - CraftingLib.CompleteCraft(): Now returns a boolean that states whether the crafting attempt was successfully sent to the server or not. - CraftingLib.GetEngravingInfo(): This function returns two new tables with information on adding and rerolling rune slots on an item. New API Functions - CraftingLib.CompleteRerollRuneType( eSlotTypeSelected ): Completes a rune slot reroll attempt. This function is called in place of CraftingLib.CompleteCraft(), with eSlotTypeSelected being the Item.CodeEnumRuneType that the player chose as the new type for the slot. It returns a boolean that states whether the attempt was successfully sent to the server or not. - CraftingLib.AddRuneSlot( itemSelected): Attempts to add a rune slot to an item. - CraftingLib.RerollRuneSlot( itemSelected, nSlotIndex ) Attempts to start the reroll process for the item's rune slot found at nSlotIndex.
  • AccountInventoryLib: Changed variable name better represent the bool.
  • Fixed a possible crash when using Item.GetPropertyName
User Interface
  • Fixed the Auction House 'sort by' stat to no longer sort in reverse.
  • Mouse 4 and 5 will now work when panning with mouse.
  • Fixed an issue where floating action bar shortcuts could appear cut off.
  • Added additional functionality to the right-click menu on Players.
  • In the ChatLog, "Yell" is now a more distinct color than "Say".
  • 'Merging Status' buttons and 'Add Friend' buttons. These were so similar that it made more sense to keep them a 2 buttons instead of 4.
  • Improved the fidelity of hit detection on several moving telegraph spells.
  • With the addition of bind on pickup confirmation for "Free-For-All", "Need Vs.Greed" has been updated to fall back to "Free-For-All" instead of "Round Robin".
  • Datacube and "Tales From Beyond The Fringe" lore entries are now marked as "seen" once the player clicks on them.
  • Dyes on items sent through mail will now be properly displayed for the receiver.
  • In-game EULA buttons now correctly show button text.
  • Zooming will no longer effect the tooltip that the mouse cursor is on. If the cursor is not hovering over anything that requires a tooltip, then it will clear.
  • Right-clicking a name in the chat log will now present an account whisper option if the name is an account friend.
  • Fixed white background on medic item icons.
  • Player icon on the map will now update when changing zone.
  • Moving the mouse cursor over a mounted player will now show the riding Player's information in the tooltip instead of the mount's information.
  • All cooldown types should now properly persist between world transfers.
  • Different affiliation types have different surrounding display characters in their nameplates now 1.) 2.) {Circle Name} 3.) \2v2 Arena Team Name\ 4.) |3v3 Arena Team Name| 4.) /5v5 Arena Team Name/ 6.) [Warparty Name]
  • C.R.E.D.D. Exchange vendors that were missing their map icons are no longer missing them.
  • There is a new interface menu icon for C.R.E.D.D.
  • The number of ability points available should no longer display an incorrect value after Players spend the points.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to click through their Mount screen to the character panel, and drag items off of their character.
  • City Directions panel will now remember it's location if you've moved it.
  • Changed the behavior of the 'Salvage' button in the Inventory panel. Now the state of the button will be determined when dragging. If the item can't be salvaged when dragging, the button will be disabled. Also, we've added functionality to determine when the inventory is updating, and if the salvage button should be enabled or not.
  • Leaving the 'Press and Hold' CSI Event will now stop progress.
  • Fixing a scrollbar bug with the Level Up Unlocks UI.
  • Com call dialog no longer steals mouse clicks under the art.
  • Escape key will now work in pregame screens.
  • A new more apparent Alert panel has been implemented.
  • Fixed white background on resonator item icons.
  • Harvestable nodes can now be interacted with using the "F" key.
  • Items listed in the Marketplace Listings panel now will now scale their height depending on how long their item names are.
  • The "Rotate" option on the Minimap now saves correctly.
  • A tooltip on the group display has been added for the class icon that lets you know the class and level of the player in your group.
  • An option to keep Nameplates visible during a speech bubble has been added. (Also increased minimize size by 2 pixels).
  • Auction sell order tooltips now display the correct return value.
  • The mount flyout keybinding is now correctly displayed at the bottom of the action bar shortcut. This might be the most significant change made this drop. (or not...)
  • There is now always a space after the timestamp in chat.
  • The role selection buttons that appear when a group attempts to join a dungeon or adventure queue remember the player's previous selection.
  • Removed the dismiss button on unit frames for the "Clone" pet that Stalkers can cast. Also fixed an issue where the unit frame of the clone didn't match the parent making it easily identifiable.
  • Removed option to attach/detach tooltips from abilities.
  • The channel in chat window will uncheck when external clicking.
  • Fixed and updated heaps of localization strings and errors.
  • The 'No Materials' icon in the Schematic Search results will now properly clear if you do manage to acquire enough materials.
  • Swapped the Guild tax On and Off radio buttons.
  • Rare spawns should now have a new nameplate.
  • Replaced how we get screen size in the Window Reset panel.
  • Fixed resizing issues with the Raid Leader Management UI.
  • Auction House Bids don't count to the limit and have been separated out into its own category in Marketplace Listings.
  • Added particle scale silder to video options.
  • Players will no longer see and error message when reporting another Player.
  • Added a Safety Check prompt to chat.
  • Collapsed parts of the quest tracker now save that they were collapsed between UI reloads.
  • The four quest track buttons have been consolidated into one button now. Included in this is a new Pin option and an easier to access Link to Chat option.
  • There are new map icons for Housing Teleporter and Buff Board.
  • Fixed an issues where windows that were tracked by the interface options could sometimes be re-sized bigger than the screen while checking constraints on opposite edges.
  • Dominion and Exile Hologram plugs will now update properly if used by the same player multiple times in a row. This allows the player to change armor and use the hologram emitter again to update their hologram's appearance.
  • All housing expeditions now use the same UI confirmation as Shiphands. This will allow you to reset the instance when entering if the instance is still active.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an "Invalid Target Group" error when using some quest abilities while mounted.
  • Improved the prioritization of content spells ("T" spells) to more intelligently prefer targeted spells when a target is selected
  • In the Kel Voreth Underforge Expedition, the Warp Hammer Enhancement will no longer display incorrect information in its tooltip.
  • The escape menu entry in the Interface Menu List should now show its keybinding.
  • Joining a group while dead will no longer cause your corpse to disappear for other players.
  • The input text fields will now be selected when the add to rival/ignore button is clicked.
  • The mouse for the crafting chip picker is no longer blocked by other UI elements.
  • 'Send Mail' tooltip now truncates long strings to prevent text scaling.
  • Interact buttons now display in a more consistent manner for both directions in the Metronome panel.
  • The 'Cancel' and 'X' buttons will now close the "change account nickname" window.
  • Updated the logic for how we determine if a creature should display as an elite for unit frames.
  • Fixed an issue where some interact prompts wouldn't appear while within range of vacuum loot.
  • The buff column in the housing vendor/crate windows should now sort correctly when clicked on.
  • All the skills on the Action Bar will now have their tooltip delays working properly.
  • In the Path Log of the Codex, the scroll bar will adjust to keep the selected mission in view.
  • Selecting a previously chosen Dye Button will now only take one click to now apply the dye.
  • C.R.E.D.D. Exchange now closes when interaction with the C.R.E.D.D. vendor is canceled.
  • Fixed the messaging that sometimes occurred when using the 'Matchmaker' and a word was missing.
  • Forcing the client to shut down should no longer cause display issues with ability cooldowns.
  • The interface menu list should no longer open behind other windows (inventory, character panel, etc.)
  • Fixed an error in the 'Neighbors' window caused by declining to travel to a random player's housing plot.
  • The 'Edit Note' buttons in Friends, Circles, and Guilds will all behave consistently now.
  • The Account Inventory UI now closes when Players switch worlds (e.g. when seeing a loading bar).
  • Alternative action bars no longer always show two button slots when only one slot is used.
  • Chat input box prompt will now color the no-input watermark the color of the chat channel.
  • Preview tooltip of protected buttons now have a matched and stylized UI.
  • Updated rank tooltips on unit frames to be less misleading at higher levels.
  • Fixed a bug in Houston that 'Saving As' replaces some incorrect wording in LUA code.
  • Fixed an error with the QuestTracker not loading the window xml document.
  • Fixed bug where the Milestones tooltip wouldn't update in the Character Panel UI.
  • The previously inspected gear's tooltip will no longer be shown when inspecting.
  • Minimap icons for tracked quests now show and indicator if the location is above or below the player.
  • Adding a "/report" UI for automated Player Reporting for issues such as Spam, Botting, and AFK in PvP.
  • Fixed an error caused by closing the C.R.E.D.D. Exchange window while a notification window was showing.
  • Updated the renown Flasks to match the icons used by the Guild Perks UI.
  • Better error messaging will be displayed when a spell cast by using an item fails to cast.
  • Changed the shape of the telegraphs for the Pell's Razor 'Ball' attack.
  • Added the Communicator windows to the Window Management tab in Interface Options
  • Emotes will no longer show in curly braces as the channel.
  • Strings for "matching" now refer to "matchmaking" so that messaging is consistent for this system.
  • Set runes in the profile window now list out tier names.
  • Added sprites back to the Hazards UI.
  • Tooltips from items in your mail now attach to the mouse correctly.
  • Changed the Scanbot UI so it is hidden while the player is mounted.
  • Fixed an issue where a itemSchematicInstance was pointing to a test microchip, pointing to a deprecated itemSpecial. The microchip now points to a valid itemSpecial (Shred L10). Affected items include four Weaponsmith crafted apprentice weapons.
  • Clicking the titles buttons on the level up unlock window will open up the titles tab in the character window.
  • The invalid note symbol will behave more consistently now. Players can set notes/personal status to the old note/personal status without showing an 'invalid' prompt.
  • Category buttons now function properly. We've set up some optimizations to help make the container contents not have to fully redraw and be destroyed as often. Made some simple quality of life changes like making the available category auto-checked by default and the completed not checked.
  • The locations of the level up unlock windows are now remembered.
  • Emote menu will now remember the position it was last at.
  • Static will now always appear for all communicator calls.
  • Added additional icons for player response dialog types.
  • The Marketplace Listings UI now has collapsible categories for Auctions vs Commodity vs C.R.E.D.D. transactions.
  • Selecting a chat channel will not append a space after the channel command to reduce user input error.
  • Keybinding sprint modifier dropdown will now close on external click.
  • The force name change UI will now give an indication whether or not the name is valid (NOT if it is available).
  • UI for Group Challenge Invitations have been added. There is now the ability to Prompt and Ignore challenge invitations from other group members.
  • Added video options to control "Visual Spell Suppression". This will help tone down the amount of spell effects in large groups and may help a ton in a raid!
  • Renaming the "Reset All" option in Character Create to "Undo All", and moving the button to make it more obvious that it is a "Back" button.
  • It is no longer possible to queue for multiple arena types in the group finder (it wasn't possible to queue for more than one anyway, purely a presentation fix).
  • The Overcharge Meter no longer overlaps the Crafting UI chip picker.
  • Lowered resurrect dialog so it's not obscured by story prompts.
  • Implementing new Icons in datachron and codex.
  • ActionBarButton: Cooldown now draws only over the icon
  • The 'Keybindings' Window now closes on 'Esc' like other Options Windows
  • Raid UI will now save Row Size and # Column options. Also, more row size options have been added.
  • ZoneMap: Fixed issue where reloading UI would cause the addon to miss the unit created events while loading
  • When a group member wins a NeedVsGreed item, the message that is displayed will now contain a linked item name, so that the players can view the tooltip for the item.
  • Cleaned up windows that were being displayed when the UI was reloaded.
  • Fixed the map is displayed under the Codex window when clicking on the location links in the Quest Log page of Codex.
  • Group management now appears to update instantly in more places while it waits for server confirmation.
  • Ready Check has been extracted outside of the Raid Frame as its own window. In addition, a new slash command has been added: /readycheck
  • Context menu will no longer show the options to invite to group or to add neighbor if the player is cross faction.
  • Game Command: Path action buttons for scientist and explorer no longer appear unusable when they can really be used.
  • Raid UI bug has been fixed so that a player's death will now be cleared.
  • The achievement UI will now remember a Players category scrollbar position.
  • Removed an incorrect tooltip from the Raid Focus window.
  • Old chat messages now fade out over time.
  • New map marker/icon for zone boundary.
  • Achievement names in the summary section of the achievements will now display roman numerals if there is supposed to be.
  • Updated the message that the player receives when attempting to delete a character that is a guild, circle, arena team, or war party leader so it is pluralized correctly.
  • Temperature Hazards, Radiation Hazards, and Breath Meters now display closer to the character.
  • QuestTracker: Public event objective progress percent display is wider to support 4 characters (100%).
  • Fixed a typo that was causing upgrade plug requirements in housing/warplots to be unreadable if players didn't have enough to purchase the upgrade.
  • Mail messages can now overlap other windows when clicked on.
  • Achievements panel now displays total guild points achieved.
  • A new dash display has been added next to the sprint meter!
  • Hazards (such as Radiation or Temperature) have received a new art update and have also been added next to the sprint meter.
  • Temperature Hazards, Radiation Hazards, and Breath Meters now display closer to the character.
  • The Title window shows the correct name for humans of every faction.
  • Alert messages now have a new visual style
  • Making 'Add Friend' the normally highlighted radio button as opposed to 'Add Account Friend'. We've also switched the text of the "Confirm Button" to say "Send Request". In addition, we've also removed messaging from view when adding other Players to "Rival" or "Ignore".
  • When showing tutorial windows, they will be brought to front.
  • Chat options will now be brought to front when selected.
  • Nameplate menu will now be brought to front when selected.
  • Fixed arena team registration to keep team name validation from visually denying a name that could still be correctly accepted.
  • Fixed white background on a resonator item icon.
  • There will now only be one message sent for the repair all.
  • Warparty and Instance chat colors are now different then Guild and party.
  • Low resolution currency icons have been fixed.
  • Minimap will now longer show icons for units that are busy.
  • Fixed an issue where the quest tracker would sometimes draw behind the datachron. Note: The position of the quest tracker needed to be reset to fix this bug. You'll have to move it again if you had moved it previously.
  • The upgrade and more information panels in housing and warplots have been reorganized to fit its information better.
  • The alt currency display in the inventory window will now remember which currency Players had selected between sessions.
  • Fixed display issues with the Filter Invite button.
  • ActionConfirmButton: Fixed tooltips with items not coloring the item name the rarity color
  • For channels that don't require a target, the first word of the message will no longer appear appended to the channel, and the first word of the last chat message will no longer be inserted to the beginning of the current chat message.
  • Updated the "Exit" button text on Character Selection to "Logout" to better reflect what happens when you click on it.
  • ActionConfirmButton: Fixed account inventory item take tooltip putting the action for the item name
  • Vendors will no longer throw an error when no items can be sold.
  • "Hold to Continue Casting" defaults to On.
  • Fixed a potential LUA error when right clicking a public event.
  • Trade requests will now appear on top of other windows when selected.
  • Zonemap will no longer show icons for units that are busy.
  • The category name for the items in the Sell, Buyback and Repair tabs will now say 'All' instead of 'General' because the category for these items isn't General and these items currently are not split into categories.
  • The maximum length will now correctly be set for the character name input of the add friend in social window.
  • Vendor tabs that are no longer functional are now disabled. The exception is the Buy tab, which will always be enabled even when there is nothing to buy.
  • Removed the confirmation delete mail messages. You still will not be able to delete a message if there is money or an attachment on it.
  • Changed chat messaging in regards to "Add" friend in order to make sure all the needed details are available.
  • The share button will now appear/disappear when it receives an update that a player has joined or left a group.
  • Re-arranged the HUD after moving Evade up into the sprint meter. The size of the HUD is about 60px smaller than before and there is now a flyout to choose a path ability that works very similar to the mount and recall flyouts. Note: Path ability selection is no longer in the ability builder!
  • ActionSetBuilder: Level up unlocks for abilities now open to the correct sub tab.
  • Now the report player input field will have a maximum character amount.
  • The "Interface Options" menu will now open on top of all other windows when opened.
  • Raid UI will now save customization options.
  • Quest Episodes in the tracker will now properly minimize and maximize between calls of /reloadui.
  • The unit frame will now update buffs correctly when a unit enters/exits a vehicle.
  • There's now a comparison tooltip for currently equipped in the Master Loot UI.
  • The mount customization screen will now remember the last selected mount if there was one.
  • Houston's LUA Editor no longer lags when working with very large LUA files
  • Players can no longer cancel mentoring by right clicking on players that are not mentoring them.
  • Bent the Mail Box's scroll bar to our will. It won't crawl to the top on its own any more.
  • NonCombatSpellBook: Game command icon drag and drop displays the current icon when dragging.
  • Houston will now remember windows properties window's position.
  • OptionsInterface: All the options now display a chat log notification message when changed.
  • Marketplace UI now has a wait spinner if loading or page swapping during laggy situations.
  • The tooltips shown in the dialog window will now be updated when changing items.
  • LevelupUnlock: Path and level tabs now save the drop down value when switching between the tabs.
  • Whispers and Account Whispers initiated via the right click menu will never default to combat logs.
  • The "Victory" and "Defeat" messages on the scoreboard reset whenever the player changes zones.
  • The channel button's text will now correctly show and hide based on the 'Mouseoff Fade' option.
  • Carbine Interface and Nameplate buttons on the escape menu are now localized.
  • Raid UI has many of its update issues fixed that were introduced during optimization.
  • The Zone Map will auto zoom into the player's current zone after getting directions from a guard.
  • Added a "Total" label to the Scoreboard entry that already existed for Public Events.
  • Daily quest givers can now be hidden or shown on the world and mini map via the "Quest Givers" filter.
  • Public Event tooltip will no longer always say "Click to show a hint arrow".
  • There is now a limit to the amount of text characters that can be sent in a support ticket.
  • Hint Arrows will now clear from the screen if a player changes zones.
  • ZoneMap & MiniMap: Some hostile targets no longer show their custom icon (e.g. a hostile vendor).
  • Now when replying, the UI will better determine if the player is whispering or account whispering.
  • Houston no longer locks up when trying to edit a slider bar's min or max value.
  • Account Items will now immediately update to display a locked icon once locked.
  • The reset tabs will now attach themselves to other tabs if there are any.
  • The scroll bar will no longer be shown when there are four items as choice rewards in the dialog.
  • Two buttons in the Account Inventory no longer overlap when the window is resized.
  • Created a window that will contain options for users to quickly find and select names of players to message.
  • Fixed the filtering system for the World and Mini-Map, causing some icons to not hide or show.
  • The Mini and World Map filtering system has been expanded and reorganized.
  • Practice Battlegrounds are now selected by default when opening up the Group Finder panel.
  • Changed the cursor used for certain types of collectible objects.
  • Unit tooltips can now count down a timer without being recreated.
  • Health readout on nameplates will now no longer run outside of the frame.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Adventure voting countdown from updating in certain cases.
  • The player's level will show correctly on the character screen while they are mentoring or rallied.
  • Keybinding display on targets of a quest (T) or path (G) spell will no longer appear over a quest icon.
  • C.R.E.D.D. exchange order submit tooltip now displays the correct C.R.E.D.D. icon.
  • ActionBarShortcut: Buttons, when in taxis, now display the correct cooldown.
  • The durability of equipped items now updates properly when the item is repaired.
  • The exclamation point for datacube entries will no longer show when they have already been viewed.
  • Character: Nameplate affiliation options will now enable for the social affiliation joined of any type.
  • Players no longer have the option to gift account items to an ignored player.
  • Log lines will be added for non-Carbine Addons that are loaded and for Carbine Addons that are not loaded.
  • It is now possible to allow ALL out-of-date Addons to be loaded via a single checkbox on the Addons list.
  • Fixed an issue in the Friends List addon where the tooltip for the "Friends" icon would not translate into French or German correctly.
  • The Event "StringCopiedToClipboard" had been spelled incorrectly as "StringCoppiedToClipboard". This has been fixed. Addon developers who responded to this event will need to change their LUA scripts.
  • We've optimized the Warrior, Medic, Engineer, Esper, Spellslinger, and Stalker resource add-ons.
  • Added EquipItem, CanEquipItem, SwapBagItems, and GetBagItem function to the GameLib Apollo library. Let the Equipment Management Addon development commence!
  • Fixed addon options unlocalized string to load all out of date addons.

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