The Strain Patch Notes & Addon Settings Fix

Carbine's first content patch, titled 'The Strain', was patched in last night, and along with a couple new zones and some great new housing items and a mount, it also came with one of the biggest bug patches since release. Check out the highlights of the patch notes below, but if you want the patch notes in their entirety, head on over to the official thread to get those!

Also, one quick note, if your addon settings were reset during the patch, head here to learn how to fix them and get your old setting back!

Quote from BigV

User Interface

  • Set up chat windows so they save information on the channels they show.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on an achievement in the Achievement UI's "Recent Updates" section did not always open to the achievement.
  • NPCs that give city directions now have an icon in the minimap and zone map.
  • Chat logging is now off by default.
  • Fixed an issue with the Ability Builder that caused the first ability that was dragged off the ability bar to clear the action bar slot.
  • Reduced the default max text length for edit boxes to 2048 characters.
  • The subzone menu is now available when there are subzones for the current zone, and is hidden when there are not.
  • Combat options properly load again.
  • Increased the server guild operation limit to allow for more robust Guild UIs.
  • Completing challenges in Grimvault will now properly update zone progression UI elements.
  • Overhead icons for already given path quests now display the correct icon.
  • Several Invisible UI windows that were blocking tooltips from appearing over game objects are no longer blocking tooltips.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the GuildInfo Addon from loading.
  • Players no longer get an unhandled network message in character select/realm select when a realm broadcast is sent.
  • Realm broadcasts now also are shown to players in the pregame character screens.
  • Pinned interface menu list buttons no longer auto scale text.
  • Fixed an error that the Non-Combat Spellbook was throwing when the player changed zones.
  • The zone map will now use the regular group member icon in all cases, and when group members are close by it will no longer draw multiple icons for a single member.
  • The Group Finder UI now opens to the correct tab if you open it in the middle of a dungeon/adventure/arena/etc.
  • Fixed an error that was thrown if the player received a social panel tutorial before the social panel was loaded.
  • Cluster targets no longer overlap unit frame cast bars.
  • Fixed an issue where the zone map would occasionally show a black screen after viewing another zone.
  • The Account Inventory tutorial should now be more accurate in explaining the functionality.
  • The quest tracker should no longer resize itself behind an open datachron if a challenge is triggered.
  • In Account Services, unfriending someone while in the middle of gifting to a friend will now close the UI and require you to try again.
  • Fixed a bug which sometimes deleted stackable items when double-right-clicking on them while the bank is open.
  • Fixed nameplates so that they no longer get truncated above characters’ heads.
  • Fixed a bug that caused changing of the costume visibility to cause the preview window to display the incorrect dyes.
  • Items equipped into costume slots will now display the detailed item tooltip for that item when moused over.
  • Changed labels in the Reputation window so they cannot be expanded if they have no visible sub-labels.
  • Challenge timer display has been made more accurate; no more failing due to time when you appear to have crucial seconds left!
  • Fixed an issue that caused Combat Floaters to show twice.
  • Cluster targets no longer overlap unit frame cast bars
  • Fixed tokens so that they now display the correct values in the tool tip.
  • The 'Selection Marker' option will now correctly prevent the selection border around the nameplate from being displayed.
  • Fixed an error in the Reputations UI when the player had rep with an unaligned faction.
  • Guest Accounts can no longer open the Auction House UI (orders wouldn't complete anyways, so we're just not getting their hopes up).
  • Achievement scores longer than 4 digits will now shrink to fit on the Achievements UI.
  • In Video Options, Max Framerate Limiting and Field of Vision sliders have been added.
  • The use occlusion setting for Nameplates now works again for disabling and enabling occlusion. This will have reset everyone's existing choice for this setting though.
  • Nameplates should be up to 1-2% faster per frame.
  • QuestTracker: Fixed timed public event objective and quest objective timer count down in the Quest Tracker.
  • Fixed an issue in the Quest Tracker where public event objectives would not always be removed once completed.
  • UI Dialogs should now clean up after themselves better.
  • Changed item tooltips so every item shows its required level if it has one.
  • Corrected a formatting issue that would sometimes cause a character’s name to get clipped in the character select display.
  • The server you are queued for is now listed on the queued server panel
  • UI: Nameplates: Fixed issue where a unit dismounts outside view and does not get the ability to update the nameplate’s attached unit

API Changes

  • Removed Unit:GetMiniMapMarker method. Unit:GetMiniMapMarkers should be used instead.
  • The ItemAuctionWon event will now fire correctly when an auction expires with a winning bidder. It will also now fire for both the bidder and the auction's owner.  * UI Addon: MarketplaceListings: Instead of polling for a list of owned auctions and orders, the UI will now keep its own lists and update them according to the appropriate events.
  • (Apollo) DialogResponse:GetRewardId will now return 0 instead of -1 when there is no reward.
  • Fixed a LUA API crash when accessing an unknown tradeskill schematic.
  • [LUA API] Added "AppereanceChanged" event when the server changes the player's appearance. This is triggered by costume, dye, and disguise changes.
  • When using Packages in Apollo, the current working folder will be set correctly during packages' OnLoad functions. Hurray for proper use of plural possessives.
  • Fixed user provided sounds to play out of lua module directory, instead of base game directory.
  • Apollo API: Item:GetRequiredLevel() returns the correct value for every item that has a required level. If the item has no required level, the function still returns 0.


  • Fixed an error in the Auction and Commodity addons that occurred when closing the window while the search edit box had focus.
  • Fixed a Client crash caused by the QuestLog addon when loading the game with certain quests active.

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