Addon Spotlight: Movable Frames

WildStar Addon Spotlight

Movable Frames

Welcome to our weekly WildStar Addon Spotlight! This week we've got the spotlight on Movable Frames, an addon created by Elidion that lets you move, scale or hide just about any UI element!

Movable Frames does exactly what it sounds like it does, it lets you move any UI element you see on the screen, scale it, and hide a select few UI elements from view. To get started just open the config menu by typing /mf and the tall skinny toggle menu comes up.

 The image above is about the top half of the window, and at the very top are the letters S, H, & M, which stand for Scale, Hide, and Move respectively. Once you toggle a UI element to move it, a blue square will pop up showing where the window is and what size it is. From there it's just as easy as moving it to where you want it. When you toggle the scale button, a separate window will pop-up with a slider to set the scale in .05 increments from 0.5 to 1.5, with 1 being the default size. 

If you need help moving the different windows around and getting them to line up precisely, toggle 'Show Coords' and 'Show Pad' to bring up coordinates for each window and include a directional pad you can click to move windows one pixel at a time. It pretty much makes the grid useless, but the grid is still good to line things up quickly, which you can then fine tune afterwards with the coordinates and the d-pad.  


  • Download the Addon from here.
  • Locate your Addons folder. (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\NCSOFT\WildStar\Addons)
  • Place the MovableFrames folder found in the .zip file into your Addons folder.

Final Words

Moveable Frames just feels like it should have been included with WildStar by default. While it may only move the default UI elements, those are the ones you probably need to move from time to time anyway. It's pretty straight forward and it really facilitates in easily making the UI just the way you want it!

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