A bunch of Addon devs hang out on FreeNode in the #wildstaruidev channel, discussing Addon development (a bit obvious, don't you think?) and other more general things. Come join in!
This is the place where you can get out all your ideas, ask for (and give) help, or just chatter incessantly about all things WildStar. Please keep on-topic of the forum you're posting in, of course (if there is one!).
Aorin: Everything looks fine now, so I'm assuming you figured out what the problem was.
Hey there!
A bunch of Addon devs hang out on FreeNode in the #wildstaruidev channel, discussing Addon development (a bit obvious, don't you think?) and other more general things. Come join in!
You're all set to go now, in case you hadn't noticed. There was an issue with the sync from CurseForge to Curse that was taken care of Friday morning.
This is the place where you can get out all your ideas, ask for (and give) help, or just chatter incessantly about all things WildStar. Please keep on-topic of the forum you're posting in, of course (if there is one!).