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    posted a message on GitHub and pkgmeta

    Thanks! Maybe thats why it wasn't working. I'll give it a try. Thanks again with all your help.

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    posted a message on GitHub and pkgmeta

    Thanks so much! Although I have one more question. The Beta branch is the default and only branch I'm using. To get it to work what branch should I be using? To send it out and tag it I have been making a release and tagging the release. This works and curse picks it up and packages it just not with the pkgmeta.yaml and not while tagged beta or alpha. I'm a little new to using repositories so please forgive me.

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    posted a message on GitHub and pkgmeta


    It's still experimental as it is not yet ready for release. I also had another question... The UI replacement is split up into several different addons to make it more modular but I plan on disttributing it as one complete addon. (i.e. CandyUI_UnitFrames, CandyUI_Nameplates, etc.) Is this possible with curse? Like if I zip them all into one file and upload it? Will it work with the curse client?

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    posted a message on GitHub and pkgmeta

    Oh well I turned it off because it wasn't working right. I can set it back up if you need me to or if it helps. Thanks for the reply!

    PS It's for CandyUI

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    posted a message on GitHub and pkgmeta

    After many hours I got a release to auto package to curse, but there are still a few problems...

    Putting "beta", I haven't tried "alpha", in the tag causes the release to never be posted on curse. I have tried all forms of beta in the tag.

    Another problem... Using the pkgmeta file causes it to not be posted either. Deleting the pkgmeta file fixes the problem. But without the ability to post as beta and use the pkgmeta file it's basically pointless. Is this a known issue? Is there something I'm missing? Thanks in advance for the help!

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