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    posted a message on ETA for Moderator Review of New Addon?
    Quote from Torhal »

    Moderators don't even see a project in the queue until it's had a file uploaded, so you should probably do that ASAP. :D


    Am I right that I don't have access to the project's git repository until the project is approved?  So I should just upload a dummy file (or package my own version) to kick off the approval process?  How odd, but thanks for the info.

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    posted a message on ETA for Moderator Review of New Addon?

    Apologies if this is not the right place to post this, but I'm awaiting moderator approval of a new addon and want to make sure I'm not forgetting to do something.  Of course, non-moderators won't be able to use this link, but here's the link/addon #:


    No worries if the process takes longer (it's been ~5 days); I just wanted to make sure it didn't slip through the cracks.


    Posted in: Site Feedback
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