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This is the place where you can get out all your ideas, ask for (and give) help, or just chatter incessantly about all things WildStar. Please keep on-topic of the forum you're posting in, of course (if there is one!).
Insert: a very worthwile post.
<repartee type="witty" location="here" />
oh god, not another forum to watch.
JK, hi there! Love that new forum smell.
First page! EPIC!
Thanks for the welcome!
How do you install the addons into wildstar folder where do i look or go cause im not finding appdata
This is the place where you can get out all your ideas, ask for (and give) help, or just chatter incessantly about all things WildStar. Please keep on-topic of the forum you're posting in, of course (if there is one!).
Insert: a very worthwile post.
<repartee type="witty" location="here" />
oh god, not another forum to watch.
JK, hi there! Love that new forum smell.
First page! EPIC!
Thanks for the welcome!
How do you install the addons into wildstar folder where do i look or go cause im not finding appdata