Automatic Packaging

Configuring the Repository Webhook

Generate a CurseForge API token

First, you’ll need to generate an API token. To do this, navigate to your API tokens page. From here, give the token a descriptive name such as "Webhooks." Once the token has been generated, move to Step 2 in order to configure the webhook on GitHub or Bitbucket.

Configuring the Repository Webhook on GitHub or Bitbucket

First, go to “Webhooks & Services” under settings for your repository and click the “Add Webhook“ button.

For the Payload URL, use the following value:{projectID}/package?token={token}
Replace {projectID} with the ID from your project’s URL on CurseForge, and {token} with the token we just generated above.


Leave all other settings at their defaults.

Automatically Marking Your Files as Alpha, Beta, or Release

When packaging is triggered on your repository, the generated file’s release type will automatically be set based on two factors:

  1. If configured to package all commits, the latest untagged commit will be packaged and will be marked as an alpha.
  2. Otherwise, when a tagged commit is pushed, it will be flagged as either alpha, beta, or release depending on the tag itself:
    • If the tag contains the word “alpha”, for example “1.0-alpha” or “1.0.alpha7”, it will be marked as an alpha file.
    • If instead the tag contains the word “beta,” it will be marked as a beta file.

File Packaging Configuration

You can optionally configure the way your file is packaged by including a YAML file named "pkgmeta.yaml" in the root of your repository. Each of these behaviors are optional:

  1. Specify the name of the packaged file. If omitted, the packaged file will be named after the project's URL slug.
  2. Inclusion of libraries or code from other projects.
  3. Move files and folders.
  4. Ignore files and folders.
  5. Specify dependencies on other projects, if they are available on the site.
  6. Specify tools used in the development of your project, if they are available on the site.
  7. Override compilation of repository commit messages with a manually-written change log.
  8. Inclusion of the project license in the packaged file.

An example, with all of the options utilized:

package-as: KillerCupcakes
enable-nolib-creation: no
externals: libs/LibDialog: url: tag: latest # if this line is left out, the latest version (even if it's not a tag) is assumed libs/GeminiAddon: url: tag: 1337.0.10 # This is an example. Please use an actual tag if you are targeting a specific version. move-folders: KillerCupcakes/Modules/Fire: KillerCupcakesOnFire # This moves KillerCupcakes/Modules/Fire to the same level as KillerCupcakes, as KillerCupCakesOnFire KillerCupcakes/Modules/Sky: KillerCupcakesInTheSky ignore: # Files and directories beginning with a dot (such as .git) are automatically ignored, as is the pgkmeta file itself. - Scripts - Some/File.txt required-dependencies: - 221710-dear-cupcake optional-dependencies: - 220002-junkit manual-changelog: CHANGELOG.txt license-output: LICENSE.txt tools-used: - data-tools

Replacement Tokens

When repositories are packaged, certain keyword substitutions take place on text files.

Simple replacements

The current revision/hash of the file. For example: 106c634df4b3dd4691bf24e148a23e9af35165ea
The hash of the entire project in hex form. e.g.106c634df4b3dd4691bf24e148a23e9af35165ea
The abbreviated hash of the file in hex form. e.g. 106c63
The abbreviated hash of the entire project in hex form. e.g. 106c63
The name of the last author of the file.
The name of the last author of the entire project.
The last changed date (by UTC) of the file in ISO 8601. e.g. 2014-05-01T12:34:56Z
The last changed date (by UTC) of the entire project in ISO 8601. e.g. 2014-05-01T12:34:56Z
The last changed date (by UTC) of the file in a readable integer fashion. e.g.20140501123456
The last changed date (by UTC) of the entire project in a readable integer fashion. e.g.2014050123456
The last changed date (by UTC) of the file in POSIX timestamp. e.g. 1209663296
Turns into the last changed date (by UTC) of the entire project in POSIX timestamp. e.g.1209663296
An approximate version of the project. The tag name if on a tag, otherwise the short revision.

Debug replacements

These occur based on filetype, as they tend to tie into the comment system for the file.

The insides aren't removed so that line numbers stay the same, they just cause them to be commented out.

--@debug@ and --@end-debug@
Turns into --[===[@debug and --@end-debug]===].
--[===[@non-debug@ and --@end-non-debug@]===].
Turns into --@non-debug@ and --@end-non-debug@.
<!--@debug@--> and <!--@end-debug@-->
Turns into <!--@debug and @end-debug@-->.
<!--@non-debug@ and @end-non-debug@-->.
Turns into <!--@non-debug@--> and <!--@end-non-debug@-->.
#@debug@ and #@end-debug@
Turns into #@debug@ and #@end-debug@, as well as adding a # to the beginning of each line in-between.

Exclude from packaging

These occur based on filetype, as they tend to tie into the comment system for the file.

--@do-not-package@ and --@end-do-not-package@ (for Lua)
<!--@do-not-package@--> and <!--@end-do-not-package@--> (for XML)
#@do-not-package@ and #@end-do-not-package@ (for TOC)
Removes everything between the @do-not-package@ and @end-do-not-package@ tags including the 2 tags themselves. This may cause line numbers of subsequent lines to change. The typical usage is at the end of Lua files surrounding debugging functions and other code that end users should never see/execute.

You will still need to comment out the @do-not-package@ and @end-do-not-package@ tags for the relevant file types.

Alpha replacements

Occurs for packaged files that are Alpha release status. The transformations are filetype-based, as they tend to tie into the comment style for the file. The text between tokens isn't removed so, that line numbers stay the same; it is simply commented out.
This is useful for inserting extra debugging information that you want your alpha testers to have, but don't want to appear in release versions.

--@alpha@ and --@end-alpha@
Turns into --[===[@alpha and --@end-alpha]===].
--[===[@non-alpha@ and --@end-non-alpha@]===].
Turns into --@non-alpha@ and --@end-non-alpha@.



This would make the assert take place in development mode and alpha zips, but not for release and beta.

<!--@alpha@--> and <!--@end-alpha@-->
Turns into <!--@alpha and @end-alpha@-->.
<!--@non-alpha@ and @end-non-alpha@-->.
Turns into <!--@non-alpha@--> and <!--@end-non-alpha@-->.
#@alpha@ and #@end-alpha@
Turns into #@alpha@ and #@end-alpha@, as well as adding a # to the beginning of each line in-between.